The "Be A Blessing" Project


Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups

Be A Blessing to others!

The “Be A Blessing” Project is all about Bringing Hope to underprivileged children.

The “Be A Blessing” project is committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children. Our mission is to raise funds to provide essential resources that these children desperately need: 

  • Clean Drinking Water: Access to safe and clean water is a basic necessity, yet many children live without it. Your support will help us provide clean water to communities that currently have no access safeguarding the health and future of these children.
  • School Supplies: Education is the key to breaking the circle of poverty. By providing essential school supplies, we aim to empower children to pursue their education and build brighter futures.
  • Sanitation and Toilets: Poor sanitation contributes to the spread of diseases. By helping to build toilets and improve hygiene practices, we can stop diseases in these communities. 

We invite you to join us in this vital mission to bring hope and tangible blessings to children in need. Your generosity can make a world of difference in their lives.



The goals of the “Be A Blessing” Project is focused on spreading kindness, support, and uplifting communities. Right now, we are heavily focused on Africa.

  • Provide practical support to those in need: This could include distributing food, clothing, and other essentials to underprivileged families or individuals.
  • Foster Community Engagement: Encourage people to actively engage with their local communities through acts of kindness, volunteering, and support for community initiatives.
  • Promote Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being: Offer counseling, prayer sessions, and emotional support to those going through difficult times, emphasizing care for the whole person-body, mind, and spirit.
  • Encourage Generosity and Service: Inspire individuals to be generous with their time, resources, and talents, fostering a culture of giving and selflessness. 
  • Support Youth Development: Engage with youth in mentoring, education, or faith-based programs to help them grow in character, confidence, and leadership.


2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NIV)
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Luke 6:38 (NIV)
“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Proverbs 3:9-10 (NIV)
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.”

Acts 20:35 (NIV)
“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Philippians 4:18-19 (NIV)
“I have received full payment and have more than enough, I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
I Timothy 6:18-19 (NIV)
“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”


Here’s a story of a man named Barwah, who experienced a profound transformation by giving to God’s cause. Barwah had always been a hardworking businessman. He focused on his success, investing his time and energy into growing his company. Though he was financially well off, something was missing. He knew God had blessed him with much, but he didn’t feel fulfilled.

One Sunday, his pastor spoke about a ministry that provided education, food, and spiritual guidance to children in impoverished communities. The pastor emphasized how these children, with the help of this ministry, were able to meet their God-given potential. Some became doctors, teachers, or pastors themselves, going on to impact their communities for Christ. This touched Barwah deeply. 

That night, Barwah prayed about how he could give back to God’s kingdom. He realized that God had been calling him to use his resources for a higher purpose. Moved by this realization, Barwah decided to make a substantial donation to the ministry. He felt led to sponsor several children, covering their school fees, food, and even basic medical needs. 

Over time, Barwah received letters and pictures from the children he sponsored. He watched as they grew spiritually and academically. One of the boys he supported became the first in his family to graduate high school and was inspired to become a pastor. Another child, a girl, went on to study medicine, determined to return to her village and offer healthcare. 

Barwah’s life changed as well. He no longer found fulfillment in business alone. His joy now came from knowing he was playing a part in helping these children fulfill their God-given potential. He even traveled to visit the community he had been supporting, and the gratitude and love he received were overwhelming.  

Through his giving, Barwah felt a deeper connection with God and understood the true meaning of stewardship. Not only did his donations help transform lives, but they also brought him a sense of purpose, knowing that he was participating in God’s mission to empower others. In the end, Barwah realized that when he gave to God’s cause, God multiplied those blessings in both his life and in the lives of those he helped. 

Friends, if God is speaking to you to donating, please don’t hesitate because you can make a lasting impact by providing less fortunate children with essential school supplies and access to clean drinking water, transforming their lives for the better. May God bless you!